CCS的專業團隊擁有超過20年國內, 香港及東南亞專案經驗,在國內各大城市包括上海、廈門等均有辦事處。 服務範圍在各類型建築機電設施,通風空調、電氣、樓宇自動化管理、環保節能領域的深化設計、施工、管理、調試及維護工作。Our management and engineering team having over 20 years experience in mainland China, Asia and Hong Kong. We have our respresntative office and team in main cities including Shanghai, Xiamen etc. The scope of services is in-depth design, construction, management, commissioning and maintenance of various types of building mechanical and electrical facilities, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and drainage, electrical, building automation management, environmental protection and energy saving.